How can I subscribe to your blog?
Click on “subscribe to this blog’s rss feed” at the bottom of a post. It’s below some Google ads. This will put Hippie Chick Diaries on your headerĀ and when you click on it you get a pull down menu with our ten most recent posts. But it won’t notify you via email of new posts. To get email notification, I’m told you have to install some rss thingy to your email program. We’re still checking out if that’s the easiest way. I’ll update soon.
How can I comment on your posts?
It’s subtle, but there’s an “add a comment” option at the bottom of each post, below the line that says, “subscribe to this blog’s rss feed” and below a thin gray line.
Can I get a scholarship to attend one of your workshops?
I love that idea. Sadly for both of us, I’m an impoverished facilitator and not the keeper of an endowment fund. I have started discussions with others in the Intentional Communities movement about creating such a fund so trainers and students can work together, with money as no object. In the meantime, don’t assume that you have to pay out of pocket. See me for fundraising ideas!
Why don’t you sell your wonderful Heathcote Earthings wares online?
We tried. We sell over a thousand different items in our booth. We found that representing it online was beyond our modest staff of three, well, really just me and two Heathcoters who cheer me on. We didn’t have staff to fill those orders and keeping two inventories, one available for mailing out and one packed for shows, was unrealistic. We started a webstore anyway, spent hundreds of hours on photography, etc., and passed out thousands of coupons at festivals. We found that, although festival goers constantly ask at the booth for this service, it wasn’t our festival friends who were buying the occasional necklace from our store, but random folks on the internet, at the rate of about one order a month after all that work. Sorry, market research has spoken!
Will you ever sell products online?
Yes! We have plans for a Hippie Chick Diaries store with a smaller line of eco-friendly notions. Stay tuned! In the meantime, we care about you connecting with products we find worthwhile. You will find we freely link to these vendors in our posts. We hope you will support them directly!
Can I come to where you live and buy something?
Ye…No. Again, as you can gather from Hippie Chick Diaries, Heathcote Earthings is a small part of a larger sustainability education project. When we’re not at a festival, we’re working on other aspects of that project (workshops, writing, facilitating, etc.,) and the inventory is packed away and inaccessible. Calm down, people. It’s just stuff. See it as an invitation to ask yourself if you really need/want that thing. Maybe the answer is yes. If you want to hold out for supporting your local festival merchant, we’ll see you at our next show. If not, you might search for your desired item online. We won’t be offended. We support our suppliers and think you should, too!
addendum: Our Heathcote Earthings business is now for sale. So if you want to buy the WHOLE THING, you could come to where I live and buy that…
Who are you and why are you sending me event invitations on Facebook?
You are either a member of TRIBE: Choosing Intentional Community, the Facebook group I moderate, or you are a Facebook fan of HCD, or you are one of the more or less 2500 friends I have made in various Intentional Community, vegetarian, Occupy and poetry/writing groups. If you’re receiving my invites, you had to “opt in” in one of those ways. And if I’m annoying you, I won’t be at all offended if you opt out. I myself spend time I’ll never get back clicking “no” and “ignore” to the thirty or so Facebook invites and requests I get each day. I can’t possibly absorb all the input being hurled at me, so I understand if the events I champion are not relevant enough to what you’re doing.
Through TRIBE, etc., my goal is to inform Community members and seekers of events, trainings, etc., that can help build our sustainability and communication toolboxes, such as Value-Based Consensus, Permaculture, ZEGG Forum, etc. If the specific invite isn’t in your area, please consider passing on the information to friends there, and/or inviting the presenters to set up events in your neck of the woods!
Consensus doesn’t work/takes too long/can be co-opted by infiltrators/is too hard.
That’s not a question. “Frequently Stated Misperceptions” are elsewhere on the site, no link available.