It’s like losing virginity. It’s one of those life milestones, a graduation, a marriage, buying a first home. At fifty-three, I’m holding my first published book in my hands. It’s been a lifelong dream. I guess I’m a late bloomer, but I have no complaints!

My thanks to Leah Maines, Christen Kincaid, and all the elves at Finishing Line Press. Although this is a chapbook, you’ve taken the effort to produce a beautiful object.

And let’s never stop raving about Jenn Zed’s amazing painting on the cover! Some readers may know Jenn’s work from Califragile. I often pair her art with various poets there. Jenn is a poet, herself.

The day my first box of copies arrived, C.T. noticed a thistle with four purple blossoms growing along our driveway. They look exactly like Jenn’s cover art.

If you pre-ordered a copy through me or Finishing Line Press and gave your address, you’ll be getting your copy in the next couple of weeks. FLP as advised me that if you have questions or think your order might be lost, you should contact them, the publisher, not the author. Email them here:

If you pre-ordered through me and didn’t give your address, I’ll be contacting you this week to deliver it.

If you are in the Butte County area and want to take advantage of the “danish rebate,” then contact me when your copy arrives and we’ll schedule a date at the coffee house of your choice. You need to initiate in order for this to happen.

I’ll post later with upcoming promotional events!

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