Welcome to our bookstore. Here we offer titles by Wren Tuatha and C.T. Lawrence Butler. You have several choices of how to buy our books–directly from the author, from the publisher, or your preferred online retailer.

Wren Tuatha. Thistle and Brilliant. Finishing Line Press. 2019.

$14.99 + $2.99 s/h = $17.98

To order:

From the Author,

email request to ctbutler@together.net, using same address for PayPal payment.

From the publisher, visit Finishing Line Press.

Other online retailers:

T&B at Amazon

T&B at Barnes & Noble

T&B at IndieBound

Butler, C.T. Lawrence, Amy Rothstein. On Conflict and Consensus. Food Not Bombs Publishing. Third Edition.

$15 including s/h; 10 copies $100 including s/h

To order:

From the Author,

email request to ctbutler@together.net, using same address for PayPal payment.

For used copies of all editions, other online retailers:

OCAC at Amazon




Butler, C.T. Lawrence, Keith McHenry. Food Not Bombs, How to Feed the Hungry and Build Community. See Sharp Press. First and Second Editions.

Currently out of print. To order a used copy:

From the Author,

email request to ctbutler@together.net, using same address for PayPal payment.

For used copies of both editions, other online retailers:

FNB book on Amazon



Butler. C.T. Lawrence. Consensus for Cities. Food Not Bombs Publishing. 2009.

$20, including s/h. Ten copies $150 including s/h.

To order:

From the Author,

email request to ctbutler@together.net, using same address for PayPal payment.

For used copies, other online retailers:

C4C on Amazon